zondag 30 oktober 2011

Paranormal activity 3

Hello Bloggers!

I am going to write something about the movie Paranormal activity 3. This is the first blog for my English teacher, but not only for my English teacher, it is also the first blog that I write in my life! So I don’t really know how to start… It is something new for me, but I am going to try to make it nice for you to read. Here I go…
Paranormal activity 3 is a movie that is quite new. It is a continuation on Paranormal activity 1 and 2. It doesn’t go about the same characters but it is equal to the first and the second movie. The movie goes about Katie and Kristi. They are sisters and in the movie they try to discover how a demon entered their life in their childhood. The movie is made from a totally different position than a ‘normal’ movie. It shows their story, filmed by a ‘amateur’. You can see the battery and things like that on the screen. The film does not have a direct link with the other 2 movies, but it is filmed on the same way and it is always about ghosts that are in house with a family and they try to prove that there is a ghostly apparition in the house by filming the house 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The main characters of paranormal activity 3 are Chloe Csengery, Jessica Tyler Brown and Christopher Nicholas Smith. The film is produced by Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman and Paranormal activity 3 is written by Christopher B. Landon and Oren Peli. As you can see, these people are not people of which you hear a lot. They are not like George Clooney or Jennifer Aniston or Tom Cruise or people like them, which are well known for being an actor. But this does not mean that people do not want to see this movie, on the contrary, people like this movie a lot. I had already seen Paranormal activity 1, but the second not yet. The third one on the other hand, I have seen. I went to the cinema last week to see this movie. I think that Paranormal activity 3 looks a bit like Insidious, a movie made by the same producers. The two stories looks like each other, but in insidious, the story is better elaborated, I think. My opinion is that insidious is better, but the meanings are shared. I saw the movie with my boyfriend and a friend of his and his girlfriend and the 2 boys thought that paranormal activity was more pleasant to see. If there comes a paranormal activity 4, I am quite sure that I will go see him. Normally, if everything goes right, the movie will appearance in October of 2012. So to end my first blog, I want to tell you that Paranormal activity 3 is a good movie and I would recommend to see him with a little group at someone’s home with candles and popcorn and chips and drinks on an evening in the winter so there is a nice atmosphere. The movie isn’t really scary but if you are totally alone in your house, it might be less cosy… :D I hope you enjoyed reading my very first blog and you will see Paranormal activity 3 and like the movie… :D
I can’t wait to see Paranormal activity 4 and I hope he’s as good as the third one!

This is the link to see the trailer, but in the trailer there are some scenes that you don't see in the movie... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ao8BbymjH8g

 Lots of love

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Hallo Dorien
    Ik vind je intro heel goed omdat je jezelf er inlegt. Je legt uit dat je niet zo goed weet hoe je moet beginnen. Dit vind ik beter dan dat er een slechte beginzin gebruikt wordt. De rest van je blog vind ik ook goed geschreven maar het onderwerp minder omdat ik de film te eng vind om hem zelf te kijken.


  2. And now in English,

    Hello Dorien

    I really liked your introduction because it's really you! You explained that it's your first blog and that you didn't know how to start and I think thats better than when you have a bad startsentence. The rest of the blog was also well written but I didn't like the subject because it's a movie i don't dare to watch.


  3. Hello Dorien

    I find your blog really good. I have seen the first 'Paranormal activity' and he was so scary that I didn't dare to watch the other ones. But maybe I'm going to watch this one because thanks to you I know the scary scenes in the movie :D

    Kimberly x
