maandag 30 januari 2012

9.11, going on forever...

Hello dear bloggers!

First of all, I want to wish you all a very healthy and nice year and everything you want. I know it is a little bit late, but better late than never, right? J
But of course, I have to write a new blog this month and my blog for January is going to be about 9.11.
A first reason why I chose this subject is that we already read something about this topic earlier this year in a magazine called Zeal.
The second reason I am going to write something about this topic is because the assignment was to write a blog related to America this time and given that the first thing I thought about was the calamity with the WTC towers I chose this subject.
First of all, I want to show you a short video that caught me when I saw it. I think that it is really, really impressive!
As you can see, it normally shows some buildings in New York how they used to be, but when you fold the Dollar bills in a certain way, you see the buildings how they looked after the terroristic attacks. I think it’s kind of creepy that it really looks like each other. It can’t be just coincidence in my opinion, it is really well-reasoned, I think.
I guess you all know what happened 9.11, but maybe it is handy if I give you some random information.
9.11 is the date something terrible happened. The eleventh of September 2001 there was a terroristic attack on some of the most famous buildings of America. For example the Pentagon and the Twin Towers. This buildings were attacked by an airplane that was hijacked. They were taken by some members of the Islamic reign of terror organization Al Qaida. This organization was led by Osama bin Laden, who was murdered by American crack troops on 2 May 2011. This terroristic attack is seen as one of the worst in the world. There were, according to the official numbers from 2005, 2974 victims who died. They were coming from more than 90 countries. Until the day of today, you can still see the scars this catastrophe left. Nowadays, they are rebuilding the WTC towers in a new shape. The delivery of the main building in expected in 2013.
Let’s hope we will never get an attack like that again. It is really a traumatic experience for the people who saw how everything happened.
This was my blog for January, I hope you enjoyed reading it!
Next month I’m back with a new article about another interesting subject! ;-)
Till then!

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Lots of love

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